AiDEA Customer Insights

Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform

Unified customer database, powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights®.
Create a persistent and unified customer database accessible from all systems, by pulling data from multiple sources, cleaning & combining it to create a single customer profile. This will ultimately allow a rounded Omnichannel Experience through technology-enabled personalization at scale with in-depth data analysis and channel attribution.


Personalized and consistent customer experience

Automation of key marketing and sales processes

Cost effectiveness

The system of resources, research and software development at the base of business model in which Artificial Intelligence represents the engine of advanced digital and technological solutions, for Pharma & Life Science markets.

AI Lab



Integrated MDM features allowing customers to connect to all the different sources of information. Multi-channel data model supporting strategy execution.

AI-Driven Data

Artificial Intelligence Algorithms supporting data integration and Insight discovery.


Standard APIs available connecting the CDP to additional Data Science Platforms in order to extend capabilities keeping a unique source of truth.

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